Our Bilo Bar Club

The Bilo Bar Club is a registered Fijian charity, consisting of members who qualify as regular guests of Shangri-La Yanuca Island, Fiji.

Our Objectives

The objects of the club are:

  • To recognise and create a bond amongst visitors who have stayed at the resort more than 3 times.
  • To promote the resort by “word of mouth”.
  •  To establish a charitable Trust Fund.

Our Bilo Bar Constitution

This Constitution contains the rules setting out the manner in which the Members of the Club have agreed to conduct the administration of the Club and serves as a contract between the Members and the Club.

The Bilo Bar Club has been instrumental in providing kindergartens to the local villages, scholarships for students and regular collaborative efforts with the Shangri-La Yanuca Island, Fiji.


Our members consist of qualified regular guests of Shangri-La Yanuca Island, Fiji and once a year we gather at the Shangri-La Yanuca Island, Fiji to celebrate our reunion and annual general meeting.

Membership Fee

The annual membership fee is FJD$50.00. The membership fee is due and payable by 31 July each year and is credited into the Charitable Trust Fund.

Member Database

In the interest of individual member privacy and commercial security the membership base is managed by the resort. The membership database will be is treated as containing private and confidential member details and, as such, will is treated in accordance with Shangri-La Yanuca Island, Fiji corporate policy. All communication to the membership base requiring the use of the database will be handled by the resort. Any provision of individual member details to any other party will not be provided without written consent from the individual member to the resort.

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